GEO Index

Downloadable, searchable index to all articles in the GEO Quarterly

A searchable software index program for GEO Quarterly has been produced, providing a ready reference to all major articles that have appeared in all 56 editions of GEO Quarterly.

This index can be sorted by Issue as well as alphabetically by Title and Author. The index is also searchable by subject keywords.

This is a 600Kb file.
Checked by VirusTotal as virus free. (0/65)
MD5 Checksum 5da70ef3eca8f15b01739c276ebb2c01

Click the icon alongside to download GEO Index

If you use AVAST antivirus you may have to switch it off to download.

AVAST advise that DomainRep is a new feature of Avast

It blocks EXE files downloads if these conditions are *all* met:

1. The file is not prevalent enough, ie. not enough Avast users launched the file yet,

2. The domain is not prevalent enough, ie. not enough Avast users downloaded (any) EXE files from the domain yet,

3. The file is not signed or Avast does not trust the signature.

Once one of these conditions are not met any more, Avast will stop flagging the download.

Note: Today I installed this software on my Win 10 machine. I got a Windows Smart Screen that required me to goto Advanced and 'run anyway' before UAC intervention. (Webmaster) 21/01/2018


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